Who Owns Hoka? [2024]

a room with a lot of furniture in it

Did you know that Hoka One One, the popular athletic shoe brand, has an interesting ownership history? In this article, we’ll dive into the background of Hoka and uncover who currently owns this innovative footwear company. So, if you’re curious about the ownership of Hoka, keep reading to satisfy your curiosity!

Quick Answer

Hoka One One is currently owned by Deckers Brands, a global leader in designing, marketing, and distributing innovative footwear, apparel, and accessories. Deckers Brands acquired Hoka One One in 2013, adding the brand to its impressive portfolio of lifestyle and performance brands.

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Quick Tips and Facts

  • Hoka One One is a popular athletic shoe brand known for its innovative designs and maximalist shoes.
  • The brand was founded in 2009 in Annecy, France, by Nicolas Mermoud and Jean-Luc Diard.
  • Deckers Brands acquired Hoka One One in 2013, expanding its portfolio of lifestyle and performance brands.
  • Hoka One One is headquartered in Goleta, California.
  • The brand offers a wide range of athletic shoes for road running, trail running, and all-terrain activities.
  • Hoka One One is known for its commitment to comfort and lightweight materials, making it a favorite among runners and outdoor enthusiasts.

Background: The Rise of Hoka One One

unpaired red Nike sneaker

To understand the ownership of Hoka One One, let’s take a brief look at the brand’s history. Hoka One One was founded in 2009 in Annecy, France, by Nicolas Mermoud and Jean-Luc Diard. The brand quickly gained attention in the athletic shoe industry for its unique approach to shoe design.

Hoka One One introduced a revolutionary concept in running shoes by creating shoes with oversized midsoles, often referred to as “maximalist” shoes. These shoes offered enhanced cushioning and support, providing a comfortable and smooth running experience. The brand’s innovative designs appealed to runners looking for a different kind of shoe that prioritized comfort without compromising performance.

Deckers Brands: The Current Owner of Hoka One One

Video: Who is HOKA owned by?

In 2013, Hoka One One caught the attention of Deckers Brands, a global leader in lifestyle and performance footwear, apparel, and accessories. Deckers Brands recognized the potential of Hoka’s unique approach to shoe design and saw an opportunity to expand its portfolio of brands.

Deckers Brands acquired Hoka One One, adding the brand to its impressive lineup of lifestyle and performance brands, which includes well-known names like UGG, Teva, and Sanuk. This acquisition allowed Deckers Brands to tap into the growing market of athletic footwear and cater to the needs of runners and outdoor enthusiasts.

Hoka One One’s Continued Success


Under the ownership of Deckers Brands, Hoka One One has continued to thrive and gain popularity among athletes and outdoor enthusiasts. The brand’s commitment to innovation, comfort, and performance has resonated with runners of all levels, from casual joggers to elite athletes.

Hoka One One offers a wide range of athletic shoes designed for different terrains and activities. Whether you’re a road runner, trail runner, or someone who loves exploring rugged terrains, Hoka One One has a shoe for you. The brand’s shoes are known for their lightweight construction, superior cushioning, and responsive ride, making them a top choice for runners seeking comfort and performance.


hoka shoe  logo

Who is HOKA owned by?

Hoka One One is currently owned by Deckers Brands, a global leader in lifestyle and performance footwear, apparel, and accessories.

What is so special about Hoka shoes?

Hoka shoes are known for their unique design and maximalist approach. The brand’s shoes feature oversized midsoles, providing enhanced cushioning and support. This design offers a comfortable and smooth running experience, making Hoka shoes a favorite among runners looking for maximum comfort without compromising performance.

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Why did HOKA change their name?

Hoka One One originally started as a small brand in France, and its name was inspired by the Maori language, meaning “to fly over the earth.” As the brand gained popularity and expanded globally, it decided to simplify its name to Hoka. The name change allowed the brand to have a more universal appeal and easier recognition worldwide.

Are UGG and HOKA the same company?

No, UGG and Hoka One One are not the same company. While both brands are owned by Deckers Brands, they operate as separate entities within the company. UGG is known for its iconic sheepskin boots and lifestyle footwear, while Hoka One One specializes in athletic shoes designed for running and outdoor activities.


person wearing pair of gray-and-white Nike running shoes jumping on gray concrete floor with water during daytime

In conclusion, Hoka One One is currently owned by Deckers Brands, a global leader in lifestyle and performance footwear, apparel, and accessories. Deckers Brands recognized the potential of Hoka’s innovative shoe designs and acquired the brand in 2013. Since then, Hoka One One has continued to thrive under Deckers Brands’ ownership, offering comfortable and high-performance athletic shoes for runners and outdoor enthusiasts.

If you’re looking for a shoe that combines comfort, innovation, and performance, Hoka One One is definitely worth considering. With its commitment to lightweight materials, superior cushioning, and responsive ride, Hoka One One has established itself as a top choice among runners worldwide.

So, why not step into style with Hoka One One and experience the comfort and performance that these shoes have to offer?

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The Popular Brands Review Team is a collective of seasoned professionals boasting an extensive and varied portfolio in the field of product evaluation. Composed of experts with specialties across a myriad of industries, the team’s collective experience spans across numerous decades, allowing them a unique depth and breadth of understanding when it comes to reviewing different brands and products.

Leaders in their respective fields, the team's expertise ranges from technology and electronics to fashion, luxury goods, outdoor and sports equipment, and even food and beverages. Their years of dedication and acute understanding of their sectors have given them an uncanny ability to discern the most subtle nuances of product design, functionality, and overall quality.

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